Continue together with Future City
Through digitization and technology, the functioning of our regions, cities and villages are fully under discussion.
Picture of the future NOHNIK Architecture and Landscapes
Picture of the future NOHNIK Architecture and Landscapes
Design the meaning: why are we where we are?
Through technology and digitization, we can be everywhere and therefore meaningful places determine where we want to be.
Picture of the future Karres en Brands
Picture of the future Karres en Brands
Design everything flexibly: scale and location are constantly changing
If everything in the room is connected to the internet and we have access to all information everywhere, then we become very flexible in our behaviour.
We are always connected: design the city as a smart network
Via the internet we are always connected to each other and to everything. Nowadays, that sounds normal, but it is very exceptional, especially to planners, spatial planners and urban planners.
SCOREwater: Smart use of water
Smart water management is necessary for keeping the city liveable.
Picture of the future Defacto
Picture of the future Defacto.
Smart city gives power back to citizens
The Internet can be deployed and arranged in such a way that the power lies with the citizens.
Picture of the future TRACK Landscapes
Picture of the future TRACK Landscapes
Government can no longer wait
Now that digitization and technologization can no longer be ignored in our society, the government must take its role.
Picture of the future UNstudio
Picture of the future UNstudio
Kennedy Van der Laan Premium Partner Future City Foundation: Juridische belangen borgen in de smart city
Kennedy Van Der Laan Advocaten is premium partner van de Future City Foundation.
Picture of the future Studio Marco Vermeulen
Picture of the future Studio Marco Vermeulen
A smart city strengthens liveability and centralizes the citizen
The core of planning, spatial planning, urban design and landscape architecture is making spatial choices.
Picture of the future PosadMaxwan
Picture of the future PosadMaxwan
This is how you do it
If through digitization and technology, through the internet, the whole world changes, how does our world change?
Connected, flexible and meaningful: this is how you design the real smart city
Tonight, during the WOW Dinner Barcelona, the Future City presents the book: “A smart city, this is how you do it – Connected, flexible and meaningful: make the real future city”.
Stadsstrandjes als ontmoetingsplek: Hangjongeren 2.0
Waar jongeren vroeger over de straat zwierven, ontmoeten zij elkaar nu bewust op een locatie die online is afgesproken.
Foodhallen en cloud kitchens: nieuwe eetgewoonten in de veranderende stad
Grote steden tellen door veranderende eetgewoonten nu meerdere ‘foodhallen’, en langzaamaan verschijnen de eerste ‘cloud kitchens’, restaurants waar alleen maar besteld kan worden, in Amsterdam.