Recap Online Get-Together #5 on smart water management for resilient cities

This week’s Online Get-Together our guest speaker Anton Jacobson of the SCOREwater EU-project gave a talk on how smart water management leads to more resilient cities.

Have you missed the talk or would you like to watch it again? On our YouTube channel you can find the stream.

Download the presentation of Anton Jacobson. (3,5 MB)
More on SCOREwater you can find on

More coming up
Don’t miss next week’s webinars on ethics of the smart city (22 April 3 PM, in Dutch) and on what we can learn from South Korea’s Smart City Busan (23 April (9 AM, in English).

Join the City Deal ‘Een slimme stad, zo doe je dat’ and help to develop, test and implement tools, instruments, products, etc. to develop smart cities. Click here for more information.

Do you want to learn more about digitalising and technologising our regions, cities and villages change? Download the book ‘A smart city, this is how you do it – Connected, flexible and meaningful: make the real future city‘ for free on our website.
The book is also available in Dutch, 
click here to order ‘Een slimme stad, zo doe je dat’.