Picture of the future Karres en Brands

For the book ‘A smart city, this is how you do it – Connected, flexible and meaningful: make the real future city’ of the Future City Foundation, nine design agencies were asked about their future vision of the smart city.

The Connected City: Oberbillwerder
Oberbillwerder is the largest development project in Germany since Hafenstadt. When the master plan is completely achieved, it includes a mix of homes, businesses, shops, public buildings and recreational activities. With the proposal The Connected City, ADEPT and Karres en Brands won the design competition with a plan where sustainability goes beyond energy self-sufficiency and climate adaptation. Through a design with an integral approach, Oberbillwerder looks at the future of the many layers of the city: from mobility to health, from ecology to economy and from nature to technology. With the aim of opening a new chapter in sustainable urban development.

This is a pre-publication of the book “A smart city, this is how you do it – Connected, flexible and meaningful: make the real future city”. With theory in the form of essays. And few practical examples of how our regions, cities and villages have already changed. Want to read more? Go to this page to order the book for free.

The original version of the book is in Dutch, click here to order the original edition. From this book is made an English summary. In the English version, we focus on trends.