Wanted: pitches of smart city solutions for digital twins
On 5 September 2019 Economic Board Utrecht (EBU) and Future City Foundation organise the Networking excursion Digital Twin to Antwerp (Belgium) for administrators with delegation leader Klaas Verschuure (alderman for the Municipality of Utrecht). We want to learn about the possibilities of a digital twin for municipalities and provinces.
To bring supply and demand together and share knowledge, we offer tech companies and data experts the opportunity to pitch their smart city solution for an audience of 40 administrators and the top of municipalities and provinces from the Netherlands. Interested parties can register their pitch until 10 July 2019.
What is a digital twin?
A way to display data and services is a so-called digital twin of an area. This can show the quality of life in the area as real-time as possible and in a dynamic way. In this way you can gain insight into the quality of life of an area, analyse and predict.
What kind of pitches are we looking for?
- Smart city solutions for that municipalities or provinces face (physical, social and economic)
- Successful smart city projects or experiences from local governments which are interesting for other municipalities or provinces.
- Innovative smart city business ideas from smart entrepreneurs, app builders or other techs.
What we offer
- 4 minutes in the spotlight
- Meet & Greet: before and after the pitch, pitchers get their own stand in the reception area (where the lunch and drink takes places)
- A direct reach of 40 administrators and senior civil servants of municipalities and provinces from the Netherlands and Flander, who are interested in digital twins.
- Participation in the pitches is without charge
- Travel and accommodation costs are for your own account. Lunch and drinks during the program are included.
What can the pitches be about?
- Digital twin
- Real time data collection
- Analysation of the quality of live in an area based on data
- Prediction of the quality of live in an area based on data
There is room for 15 pitches, participation is without charge and possible until 10 July 2019. We reserve the right to close the registration earlier. In case of too many applications we make a selection. Pitches can be given in Dutch or English.
When & where
Thursday 5 September
In Antwerp (Belgium), exact location t.b.a.
12.00 – 17.30 hr (lunch and drinks included), pitches 14.00 – 15.30 hr
Any questions?
For more information, contact the organisation, Wendolijn Beukers via wendolijn@future-city.nl or call T: +31 33 87 00 100.
Procedure and requirements
- Applications can be send until 10 July 2019. We reserve the right to close the registration earlier. If there are more than 17 applications, a substantive assessment is made. We select based on an interesting mix of participants.
- You will receive confirmation/rejection before 16 August 2019. The results will not be discussed.
- Participating in the pitch carrousel is free.
- If you are invited, we assume your presence. If, without a timely notice (till 5 working days in advance) you don’t show up, we charge 100 euros expenses.
- During the event pictures and recordings are made, which we use for communication purposes.
- Participation is at own risk.
- By applying, you give the Future City Foundation and Economic Board Utrecht permission to contact you for other activities by the Future City Foundation and Economic Board Utrecht.