Smart Urban Planning

Order the book ‘A smart city, this is how you do it’

This year, the Future City Foundation and 26 partners are investigating how we should design the smart city. The network assumes that urban design and the products that result from it are radically changing. Just like it happened with other industries. They want to understand how it happens, what are the opportunities and what are the risks. They present the results of the research in the book: “A smart city, this is how you do it – Connected, flexible and meaningful: make the real future city”. The English version was launched on the 18th November 2019, during the WOW Dinner Barcelona at the World Trade Center in Barcelona.

The English version (52 pages) focuses on the design principles for smart urban design:
>> We want a sustainable and democratic city;
>> In it we design everything as a democratic smart network;
>> We design flexibility;
>> We design meaningfully.
These are explained in detail. In addition, the Model Bylaw Smart City Applications in the Public Space is included in the book.

After your registration, you will receive an unique code with which you can read the book online. You will also receive an email with a link of the PDF of the book.

You can also order a printed version for € 20.00 (excluding shipping costs). The book will be sent to you as soon as possible after its publication. Shipping costs are € 5.00 within The Netherlands and € 10.00 abroad.

The original version of the book is in Dutch, click here to order the original edition.

The first question the partners have asked themselves is which city they want. They established that the city must first and foremost meet the requirements of Sustainable Development Goal 11: inclusive, safe, healthy and sustainable. But also that everyone there must be able to live in freedom. Then they went to work on the question of how digitization and technology affect our regions, cities and villages. The partners concluded that solidarity is the real game changer. We are always connected to everything and everyone. Everything becomes a smart and democratic network. This network makes us very flexible. We can do everything anywhere.

Finally, the partners asked themselves where we want to be. We seek meaning. That makes the profession of the designer more important than ever. Because, even if we can be everywhere, we are only in one place at the time. Then of course we choose the place where we prefer to be. But how do you design that place? And at the same time: how do we prevent ourselves from being over-stimulated? Perhaps here is where the core lies. Because smart urbanism is not about smartness, about technology. But about the consequences and how society is changing. Also the role that citizens, businesses and governments have in relation to each other is shifting. We hope it leads to more citizenship and to the influence of people on their living environment.

The book “A smart city, that’s how you do it – Connected, flexible and meaningful: make the real future city”, will be presented on the 18th November 2019. With theory in the form of essays. And few practical examples of how our regions, cities and villages have already changed. This book is a publication of the Future City Foundation in collaboration with 26 partners.

Pre-order your edition of the digital book for free, on this link or the button below.